Here you will find solutions for most of the exercises from Learning Processing organized by chapter. If one is missing, feel free to let me know on github.
- Chapter 1: Pixels
- 1-1 shapes
- 1-2 shapes
- 1-3 shapes
- 1-4 shapes
- 1-5 color
- 1-6 color
- 1-7 design creature
- Chapter 2: Processing
- 2-1 download
- 2-2 runanexample
- 2-3 runyourfirstsketch
- 2-4 runyourfirstsketch
- 2-5 errors
- 2-6 errors
- 2-7 shape color functions
- 2-08 strokeWeight
- Chapter 3: Interaction
- 3-1 flow
- 3-2 setup draw
- 3-3 background setup
- 3-4 Zoog mouse
- 3-5 mouse interaction
- 3-6 pmouseXY
- 3-7 absolute value
- 3-08 background draw
- Chapter 4: Variables
- 4-1 variables
- 4-2 declare initialize vars
- 4-3 variables
- 4-5 width height
- 4-6 zoog shaking
- 4-7 variables random
- 4-4a variables
- 4-4b variables
- 4-4c variables
- Chapter 5: Conditionals
- 5-1 grades
- 5-2 if elseif else
- 5-3 stop moving
- 5-4 boolean exp
- 5-5 rollover
- 5-6 fading rollovers
- 5-7 button draw
- 5-08 boolean var
- 5-09 bouncingball
- 5-10 interaction
- Chapter 6: Loops
- 6-3 loops
- 6-4 global vs local
- 6-5 one line at a time
- 6-6 stripes for
- 6-7 loop
- 6-08 grid nested loop
- 6-1a while lines
- 6-1b while circles
- 6-2a for lines
- 6-2b for circles
- Chapter 7: Functions
- 7-1 functions
- 7-2 function definition
- 7-3 modularity
- 7-4 function call
- 7-5 function definition
- 7-6 bouncing car
- 7-7 function flow
- 7-08 celsius converter function
- 7-09 multiple zoogs
- 7-10 spaceship
- Chapter 08: Objects
- 08-1 oop
- 08-2 class syntax
- 08-3 object syntax
- 08-4 multiple tabs
- 08-5 gravity ball
- 08-6 multiple zoogs
- Chapter 09: Arrays
- 09-1 array
- 09-2 length indices
- 09-3 array declare
- 09-4 array declare
- 09-5 array objects
- 09-6 array operations
- 09-7 array snakes
- 09-08 array buttons
- Chapter 10: Algorithms
- 10-1 your idea
- 10-2 break into parts
- 10-3 test drop
- 10-4 improved rain game
- Chapter 13: Mathematics
- 13-2 probability
- 13-3 noise motion
- 13-5 spiral
- 13-6 oscillating objects
- 13-7 breathing
- 13-08 noise wave
- 13-09 recursion
- 13-10 tictactoe
- Chapter 14: Transformations and 3D
- 14-1 translate
- 14-2 renderers
- 14-3 vertex shapes
- 14-4 pyramid 3sides
- 14-5 cube
- 14-6 spinning baton
- 14-7 cube rotate
- 14-08 pyramid OOP
- 14-09 many pyramids
- 14-10 solar system moons
- 14-11 solar system 3D
- Chapter 15: Images and Pixels
- 15-1 image mouse
- 15-2 ImageSprite OOP
- 15-3 tint
- 15-4 multiple image tints
- 15-5 image seq
- 15-6 pixels
- 15-7 image processing
- 15-08 imgprocessing rgb
- 15-09 mouse threshold
- 15-10 convolution
- 15-11 crossfade
- 15-12 triangles
- Chapter 16: Video
- 16-2 pointillist
- 16-3 movie speed
- 16-4 mirror
- 16-5 snake tracking
- 16-6 greenscreen
- 16-7 track motion
- Chapter 17: Text
- 17-1 charAt
- 17-2 length
- 17-3 equals
- 17-4 concatenate
- 17-5 display coordinates
- 17-6 stock ticker
- 17-7 text mirror fontsize
- 17-08 text in 3D
- 17-09 text mirror textWidth
- 17-10 interpolate home
- Chapter 18: Data
- 18-1 indexOf
- 18-2 substring
- 18-3 chat
- 18-4 splitTokens
- 18-5 split
- 18-6 loadStrings
- 18-7 imdb
- 18-08 imdb2
- 18-09 wikipedia
- 18-10 animated concordance
- 18-11 char counts
- 18-12 secret life pronouns
- 18-13 bubbles xml
- 18-14 particles xml
- 18-15 new bubbles xml
- 18-16 json weather xml
- 18-17 loadJSON weather
- 18-18 loadJSON weather thread
- Chapter 19: Networking
- 19-1 string cleanup
- 19-2 reverse string server
- 19-3 client x position
- 19-4 clientEvent
- 19-5 whiteboard color
- 19-6 pong
- 19-7 arduino
- Chapter 20: Sound
- 20-09 mic FFT
- 20-10 graphic equalizer